New podcast explores affordability in ECEC
The Sector > Workforce > Advocacy > New podcast series explores cost and supply issues in ECEC and the impact on families 

New podcast series explores cost and supply issues in ECEC and the impact on families 

by Freya Lucas

February 17, 2025

A new limited series podcast is exploring the depths and impact of cost and supply issues in early childhood education and care (ECEC). 


At What Cost? covers how these issues are impacting families, communities and the Australian economy, and is produced by the multi-award-winning FW podcast team in partnership with The Parenthood.


Hosted by The Parenthood CEO Georgie Dent, the podcast weaves together the stories of parents with commentary from experts who aim to explore the frustrations parents feel and to help them to understand the nuances and complexities of ECEC in Australia.


“The exorbitant cost of childcare is standing in the way of parents’ being able to participate in the paid work their families need and their children accessing the benefits of early education” Ms Dent said. 


“Horror stories about two year waiting lists mean that even for parents who can afford childcare, access isn’t always possible.”


At What Cost? also explores how unaffordable and inaccessible ECEC has a long term impact on gender equality, highlighting that, on average, Australian women’s earnings fall by almost 50 per cent in the first five years after having a child. By comparison, men’s incomes remain stable.


“We wanted to show Australian parents that it’s not in their heads, they’re not making it up – accessing childcare really is much harder and more expensive than it should be,” supervising producer Sally Spicer said. 


“Podcasting is an ideal format to combine storytelling, information and news. It’s been a pleasure working with The Parenthood to create “At What Cost?


Listen to episode one, “A guilt-filled juggle.” on Apple or Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

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