Gowrie Victoria farewells outgoing CEO Susan Anderson after five year term

Gowrie Victoria has farewelled outgoing CEO Susan Anderson, who left the organisation in late December 2024 following a five year term.
Ms Anderson will take on a new leadership role within the social impact sector, having joined Gowrie Victoria during a period of change in the Victorian community owing to restrictions based around the presence of COVID-19, and has been remembered for her unique style of empathy and warmth, which supported those under her care through the complex and challenging time.
“Susan ensured we kept people engaged, kept staff paid, and we focused on people’s wellbeing,” a statement issued on her departure notes.
“Susan is known internally for her videos on Ngarn ga (Gowrie Victoria’s intranet) and for walking the floor talking to anyone and everyone. She’s the first to acknowledge others’ successes, she’s allowed teams to flourish by instilling trust in others to run their own show. No wonder there’s very high employee engagement with 75 per cent saying that Gowrie is a truly great place to work.”
Externally, Ms Anderson served as the face of Gowrie to the broader early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector in Victoria and beyond, creating new partnerships and advocating for quality and for those things that lead to better outcomes for children.
She advocated for Gowrie Victoria team members in a number of spaces, including during negotiations surrounding the recent multi-employer agreement.
Under her leadership Gowrie Victoria has grown, adding two new services and experiencing a 40 per cent increase in turnover. Construction of four new rooms for 2025 will soon be complete, providing over 100 additional places at Carlton North and Broadmeadows.
Adult learning programs have also experienced growth, more than doubling to support 377 services in 2024 with aspects such as training, coaching and mentoring.
All Gowrie Victoria services are rated as Exceeding, almost across all seven areas, a point of pride for both Ms Anderson and the broader team.
“Thank you to Susan for the positive impact you’ve made on Gowrie, for your care and compassion and as our advocate to the sector. Because of this Gowrie Victoria has continued to have a real positive impact on many more children, families and educators,” the statement concluded.

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