IEU QNT members recognised for early childhood education activism
Two exceptional Independent Education Union (IEU) members from the Queensland/Northern Territory branch, and employed in the early childhood education sector, have been recognised and celebrated for their ongoing activism and commitment to making a difference for staff in the sector.
IEU members Debbie Quig (lead image, left) and Tanya Donaghey were each worthy recipients of the first John Spriggs Award for Outstanding Activism in the Early Childhood Education Sector, Organiser Nicole Lakidis said.
“This Award was established in recognition of the enormous contribution to the sector made by former IEU-QNT Senior Industrial Officer John Spriggs during his 28-year tenure at our union,” Ms Lakidis explained.
“Debbie, a kindergarten teacher at Aspley East C&K, and Tanya, a kindergarten assistant at Samford Community Kindergarten, are to be congratulated for promoting union values in their workplaces,” she continued.
“Both women are long-standing and active members in their workplaces and are respected, trustworthy points of contact for their colleagues. Their concern is always for the viability of the kindergartens and the welfare of their colleagues.”
Ms Donaghey (pictured below) and Ms Quig are each committed to ensuring their IEU Chapters are informed and empowered regarding their rights at work, and during rounds of collective bargaining negotiations with ‘difficult employer committees’, both women were instrumental in enabling IEU Officers to attend meetings and speak directly with the employers.
“This led to an increase in general engagement of staff and union density at both sites,” Ms Lakidis shared.
“Their resolve to ensure that colleagues are looked after is always front of mind.”
At all times the women’s interactions with member and non-member colleagues are framed within a reference of fairness and respect for others – values consistently demonstrated by John Spriggs, making them worthy recipients of this inaugural honour.
“John’s contribution to the early childhood education sector throughout his career was remarkable and leaves a lasting legacy,” Ms Lakidis said.
“(He) always acted with decency, care and respect, and he also expected these core values to be upheld for every IEU member in every workplace.”
The IEU QNT extended its congratulations to the pair, thanking them for the difference they make in the lives of members.
This article was originally published on the IEUQNT website for members only, and this adaptation has been reshared here with permission.