Record number of major projects go to tender in New South Wales
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Record number of major projects go to tender in New South Wales

by Freya Lucas

August 29, 2024

The New South Wales Government has announced a significant milestone in its $769 million commitment for 100 new public preschools across the state by 2027, with tenders for 85 of the early learning institutions to be released by the end of the year. 


These tenders are for preschools across both metropolitan and regional NSW, with the first tranche of tenders, for preschools in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven, to be released next month. 


All told the 100 new preschools will allow up to 9,000 additional children to benefit from quality early childhood education in the year before school. 


“With this record pipeline of tenders and projects going to market, we are getting on with the job of delivering new schools and new facilities quicker,” Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car said. 


Along with the tender announcement the NSW Government announced the upcoming release of a ‘Pattern Book’ which aims to reduce costs and accelerate delivery timeframes for new and upgraded schools across the state. 


To be released next month, the Pattern Book will include detailed guidance to industry on consistent, repeatable designs for new schools and preschools builds, which will enable increased use of Modern Methods of Construction including prefabrication and off-site manufacturing.    


The Pattern Book will continue to be improved over the remainder of 2024 to reflect education and industry feedback. 

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