ECEC Provider in Focus: Jumbunna
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ECEC Provider in Focus: Jumbunna

by Freya Lucas

August 23, 2024

Jumbunna is a mixed use operation, offering early childhood education and care as well as early intervention services, and uses a mixture of early childhood professionals and allied health care professionals in its work. 


In the ECEC space, Jumbunna has both a children’s centre and a community preschool. 


What is the history of Jumbunna?


Jumbunna was initially a small community preschool, established in 1977, and has grown into a centre providing many different services for children and families.


Jumbunna was registered as one of the inaugural members of the NSW Early Childhood Intervention Association in 1982.


The provider is now the specialised early childhood intervention service for the majority of the Richmond Valley and all of Kyogle Local Government Areas, providing education, therapy, family support and integration to children with disability, developmental delay or who are at risk of delay from birth to school age. 


Jumbunna supports 130 children and their families on average annually, as well as providing preschool for up to 60 children without additional needs. At least thirty per cent of the families in most programs are First Nations.


Ten programs are currently being run by Jumbunna funded by four government departments, with approximately 50 staff across the organisation.


Jumbunna has worked in a transdisciplinary team model for many years. The team consists of early childhood and special education teachers, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, therapy assistants, children services workers and administration staff.


What is the Jumbunna vision and approach to learning?


In the preschool space Jumbunna operates using a Reverse Integration Preschool Program (RIPS) model, which caters for children with and without additional needs. 


80 per cent of the children in the program have one or more additional needs, and 20 per cent of children have typical development. 


This program caters for 59 children per day, and children typically begin care at three years of age, attending for two full days each week. 


This program is set up similarly to a regular preschool in types of activities and timetabling. The educational programs and experiences offered to all children are tailored to meet individual needs and interests at the appropriate developmental level. Within the general preschool program specific goals are set for each child from his/her Individual Education Program (IEP) and targeted on a daily basis.


There are general and individual program goals and each child’s level of functioning in these areas is recorded through structured and incidental observations, formal testing and checklists. Small group work allows for more specific programming in the areas of language, pre academic skills and gross motor to meet individual needs. Each staff member programs for his/her group and seeks transdisciplinary team input into the design of these programs.


An Inclusion Group is also offered, which runs for four hours each day, and is designed for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or for those who would benefit from the same strategies used in the program within a preschool setting. 


The structure of the group is determined by the needs of the children, and routine, visuals and the physical environment are all adjusted to suit the needs of the children. This is an NDIS support Jumbunna provides.


Jumbunna also runs a mobile preschool, and hosts two supported playgroup sessions for vulnerable families in the Casino community of NSW. 


Are there any unique aspects to the Jumbunna offer? 


Jumbunna receives funding from the Department of Social Services (DSS) to run an Intensive Parenting Project which aims to strengthen relationships, support families, improve children’s wellbeing, and increase participation in community life with a view to strengthening family and community functioning. 


Program’s coordinator Wendy Ferguson  provides support to families and children using a range of strategies. These may include Parenting programs, individual support which may include home visits, supported playgroups, school readiness programs, and individual therapy.


Jumbunna is governed by a Management Board of parents and community members. There is an annual general meeting to elect this committee every August/September. The Board is assisted in all their duties by the General Manager and staff. All parents are obligatory members of the Association.


Learn more about Jumbunna’s work here. 

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