Podcasts released to mark Global Accessibility Awareness Day
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Podcasts released to mark Global Accessibility Awareness Day

by Freya Lucas

May 16, 2024

A series of podcasts have been released to mark Global Accessibility Awareness Day (16 May). 


One in five Australians lives with a disability, a number which is increasing as the population ages. People with disabilities work in a number of different sectors and industries, including early childhood education and care (ECEC), and workplace adjustments – which the podcasts discuss – can be life changing for people with disability.


Anti-Discrimination NSW (ADNSW) has created the podcasts as part of its Workplace Adjustments Series, detailing the personal  experiences of four NSW Department of Communities and Justice staff with disability – Berindah Aicken, Rita Cottrell, Jacquie Duncan and Dwayne Fernandes – highlighting the value of workplace adjustments. 


“Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and things that they need to perform at their best,” ADNSW President Helen McKenzie said.


“Many workplace adjustments can be implemented easily and with little or no cost.”


At the centre of all the adjustments and podcasts is that respect, communication and flexibility are key.


“Effective managers play a vital role, as does appropriate training,” Ms McKenzie said.


“It’s about working together, talking to people about their needs, and understanding that flexibility may be required,” she added.


The NSW Public Service Commission website offers useful information and resources. In NSW, those who have issues accessing workplace adjustments or experience disability discrimination at work, contact Anti-Discrimination NSW on 1800 670 812 for free, confidential information.


To access the podcasts please see here

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