SNAICC has called for a new early learning and care services model
SNAICC – National Voice for our Children has called for a new early learning and care services model that reflects the unique needs of First Nations children, families and services.
CEO Catherine Liddle spoke to the Productivity Commission (PC) at its latest inquiry meeting, held 5 March, outlining core aspects of the peak body’s submission which supports the vision of a universal early childhood education and care (ECEC) system that strengthens Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families’ engagement in culturally-centred and high-quality education and care and integrated early years services.
In particular Ms Liddle spoke about the need for sustainable funding for Aboriginal community-controlled organisation (ACCO) early learning and care services.
“We reiterate our call for the scrapping of the Childcare Activity Test. As a step towards this, we are pleased to see the PC’s draft recommendation for universal access to at least 30 hours of ECEC per week for our children,” she said.
“Ultimately we should be aiming at a free universal ECEC system that will build a more prosperous, equitable and sustainable future for all Australian children.”
Australia’s current market-based funding model, Ms Liddle said, “is failing our most vulnerable children. It also perpetuates childcare deserts in many areas where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children live.”
“Closing the gap starts with improving outcomes for our children, and that means changing systems to what we know works so our children are developmentally ready for school.”
To achieve this, SNAICC is calling for:
- a new, dedicated funding model incorporating block and needs-based funding for ACCO ECEC services, that matches resources to wrap around support needs in each community
- the building and sustaining of a decided Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early years workforce
- ongoing funding for ACCO early years services backbone support.
Ms Liddle said SNAICC supports the intent of establishing an ECEC Commission to oversee better coordination and delivery of ECEC policies and provide accountability.
She warned against such a Commission inadvertently displacing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sector leadership or undermining self-determination.
“Our view is that many of the proposed ECEC Commission functions should remain with the community-controlled sector.Our findings and recommendations reflect what SNAICC heard through extensive consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled early years services, in researching and developing funding model options.”
“Part of the failure of previous ECEC policies has been the disconnection from community, how they determine quality and success and whether services effectively meet their needs.”
“Ensuring shared decision-making and true partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples will set our children, families and communities up to thrive.”
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