Improvements on the way for Tootgarook kindergarten
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Improvements on the way for Tootgarook kindergarten

by Freya Lucas

March 05, 2024

In line with the Victorian Government’s expansion of the Best Start, Best Life reform a new  kindergarten will be built at Tootgarook Primary School.


Previously, the Victorian Government intended to deliver a two-room kindergarten facility at the school site however, Mornington Peninsula Shire and the Victorian Government have agreed that to best meet the needs of the community, the new kindergarten on the school site will now be a three-room facility.


“We’re proud to say our advocacy efforts have paid off, and now families in Tootgarook can rest assured their children will have access to high-quality kindergarten education right in their township. This is a win for our community,” Nepean Ward Councillor Sarah Race said.

This expanded service will mean that places will transition to the new Kindergarten Facility from the council-owned facility at 24 Barry Street, Tootgarook. The preschool has served the community well; however, it lacks the capacity to accommodate the increasing number of families seeking kindergarten placements.


“As the “Free Kinder” reforms roll out Council will continue its advocacy to the State Government about the impact of these reforms on local infrastructure provision and the additional burden placed on Council’s resources to refurbish expand and build additional kindergartens so that can meet the extra demand for kinder services on the Mornington Peninsula,” Cr Antonella Celi, Council’s Health and Wellbeing Committee Chair said.


The Mornington Peninsula Shire will contribute $450,000 towards additional landscaping and car parking at Tootgarook Primary School.

Construction will commence on the new kinder in the coming months with the new facility due to open in Term 1, 2025. 

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