ECEC forum held to try and tackle challenges facing the sector
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ECEC forum held to try and tackle challenges facing the sector

by Freya Lucas

February 08, 2024

Early childhood educators, providers and families recently gathered at the Ocean Beach Surf Club on the Central Coast of New South Wales to discuss the challenges facing the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector in the region with Member for Robertson, Gordon Reid. 


Close to 100 people participated, with those who were not able to attend in person streaming in via video link.


“Access to affordable ECEC is an important priority and is why we tasked the Productivity Commission with establishing an inquiry into Australia’s ECEC sector,” Mr Reid shared with local news source Coast Community News.


“Our government wants to see universal early childhood education and care across Australia, like how we understand universal Medicare and universal superannuation. This outcome can only be possible when we identify the issues that are holding back the sector and affecting access for communities.”


Mr Reid convened the forum to hear from the region’s educators, providers and families so that he can learn more about how to improve the ECEC sector.


“The forum was insightful,” he said.


Participants provided useful feedback which Mr Reid will raise with the Minister for Early Childhood Education Anne Aly, Minister for Education Jason Clare, and Employment and Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke.


The forum was also an opportunity to emphasise the importance of making submissions to the Productivity Commission’s Draft Report into Early Childhood Education and Care, which closes on 14 February.


To make a submission to the Productivity Commission’s Draft Report into Early Childhood Education and Care, visit: by February 14.


Access the original coverage of this story here.

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