Drouin named as the location for new ECEC service
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Drouin named as the location for new ECEC service

by Freya Lucas

December 13, 2023

Baw Baw Shire Council has welcomed the Victorian Government’s announcement of Drouin as the location for a new, state government-owned and operated early childhood education and care (ECEC) service.


The announcement comes as part of the Victorian Government’s $14 billion Best Start, Best Life early years reforms.


The choice of Drouin, Mayor of Baw Baw Shire Cr Annemarie McCabe said, is one which reflects the growing needs of the Baw Baw community and as proof that Council’s advocacy efforts are “bearing fruit”.


“Advocating for more investment in early years infrastructure is one of our top tier priorities as a Council,” the Mayor said. “Baw Baw Shire is one of the state’s fastest-growing regions, and the demand for quality childcare and early learning services has never been more pressing.”


“We welcome this announcement from the state government. Once the new Early Learning and Childcare Centre is delivered, the facility will be a valuable and welcome asset in supporting our young families and easing the pressures they are facing.”


The service will open in 2027 or 2028, and the specific location of the service within Drouin is yet to be determined, with the state government expected to undertake consultation with Council to ensure the chosen site meets local needs and delivers accessibility and convenience for families.


“We are committed to supporting the well-being of our community’s youngest members,” the Mayor said. 


“We look forward to working closely with the Victorian Department of Education to help identify the potential sites for the new centre and seeing it come to fruition for the benefit of our residents.”

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