G8 Education heads to New Zealand for study tour
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G8 Education heads to New Zealand for study tour

by Freya Lucas

November 30, 2023

A team of specially selected award winners from G8 Education recently undertook a study tour in New Zealand, led by General Manager of Early Learning and Education Ali Evans.


The cohort headed to Wellington to be hosted by Toni and Robin Christie, co-founders of the Childspace Early Childhood Institute, and enjoyed centre tours, robust conversations around leadership and learning, and the fabulous experience of finding their “inner playful child” in the enchanting adult forest.

The team also spent time observing programs in action at Childspace centres and reflected on their learnings, noting the calm and intentionality of environments and practices they witnessed.


For Ms Evans, the respectful relationships and rituals observed in the Childspace settings were a delight to see. 

“Children’s choice and agency is embedded throughout the programs with such wonderful invitations to play and intentional spaces,” she said. 


“Learning with natural and open-ended materials provides optimal opportunities to enhance children’s learning development and wellbeing”.

Time was spent also visiting the beautiful natural landscapes and learning about the history and culture of New Zealand, as well as plenty of laughter and fun with the G8 team even learning to play the Ukulele.


Learn more about the work of Childspace here. For information about G8 Education, visit the website. 

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