What to consider when moving into a new job
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Job ads 107% higher than pre pandemic – here’s what to think about if you’re moving on

by Freya Lucas

November 03, 2023

There is a tremendous amount of job mobility at present particularly in the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector. 


According to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data, job advertisements are 107.4 per cent higher than they were pre-pandemic in February 2020, suggesting that there are more people moving in and out of jobs. 


Having such a high level of ongoing job vacancies, including in care-based sectors such as ECEC and aged care, gives job seekers an advantage when it comes to moving into a new role, given there are more jobs available than there are applicants to fill them. 


If you’re considering moving into a new role, there are a number of important things to consider when deciding whether to make the move. 


Room to move


While the role you are applying for may suit today, also consider what options there are for other roles, and how this position fits with your overall career journey. 


If your aspiration is to one day be an area manager, for example, it makes sense to apply to an approved provider who has a number of centres in the same region or state, rather than applying for a role in a single-service centre. 


Likewise, if you would ultimately like to be in training and development, consider if the role you are applying for has opportunities to work with others, helping them to improve their skill and capacity, or if the approved provider you work for is part of a broader system which offers training and development opportunities. 


The right fit


When you attend a job interview, it’s not only about the prospective employer deciding whether you are a good fit, but also about you deciding whether this is a good fit for you. 


You might like to ask questions about the philosophy of the service, the structure of leadership, or even what the interviewer likes best about working there. 


Review tools like GlassDoor can also give insights from those who have left an organisation about what it is like to work there. 


Before the interview, or when deciding whether or not to pursue an opportunity, consider the social media posts, website information, or any external sources that give insight into the values, beliefs and purpose of the organisation. 


Location, location, location 


The time it takes to get to and from work is an important part of being happy or otherwise at work. 


It’s not just about the length of time it takes to get to and from work, but also how long the day is with commute time on top. 


Commuting can add a large amount of time and stress to the workday, and those who spend a long time commuting are more likely to be dissatisfied with their job overall. Commuting can also have an impact financially with the cost of petrol or on-site paid parking. 




Having the option to change shifts, alter your pattern of work, or take leave over Christmas is important to many in the ECEC sector, especially those who are juggling work with study, parenting or other commitments. 


Maintaining a balance between work and other life commitments is an important aspect of overall life satisfaction. 


Being able to drop to part-time, access rostered days off (RDOs) or being able to purchase additional leave can make a job seem more attractive. 


If these aspects are important to you, it’s essential to learn more about what your new job offers before signing on the bottom line. 


Wages and perks  


While there are awards in place which support ECEC professionals to know their minimum entitlements, in such a competitive market, there is opportunity for reviewing what is being offered to others, and to state your salary expectations upfront. 


In this space, it’s also important to compare “like with like”. If, for example, you are applying to work with a not-for-profit organisation, there may be salary sacrifice opportunities which can equate to up to $14,000 worth of benefits that will be paid pre-tax.


Many services now offer additional benefits including gym memberships, reductions on private health insurance, extended parental leave, or discounted rates on education and care.  


For further advice and support about choosing a new role, please see here

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