Foundations FDC finalist in Telstra Awards
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Foundations Family Day Care named as State Finalist in Best in Business Awards

by Freya Lucas

October 26, 2023

Established in 2013, Foundations Family Day Care (FDC) is a family-owned and operated service which has been named as one of two Victorian state finalists in Telstra’s Best of Business Awards Indigenous Excellence category.


The Indigenous Excellence category recognises Indigenous led, owned and operated businesses that have succeeded through entrepreneurialism, innovation and are inspiring the next generation, and focuses on small to medium-sized Indigenous-owned and operated businesses that have goals of change, inspiring practices, an innovative approach, strong growth and achieving ambitions.


Foundations FDC supports FDC educators in providing approved childcare within a unique natural and nurturing home-based environment across all of Victoria. The service and its educators focus on children as individuals, building their self-confidence and resilience, while allowing children to grow and develop their skills and interest at their own pace.


The past 12 months have been spectacular for the Foundations team, with Coordinator Kathi Hewitson being named as the National Coordinator of the Year in the 2022 Excellence in FDC Awards last year, and with an expansion into South Australia. 


“It has been wonderful to celebrate the tenth anniversary of our Victorian service, and the first anniversary of our South Australian service, especially given every one of our Coordination Unit team and our Educators were nominated in the Excellence in FDC Awards, with two winning their Regional awards,” Mrs Hewitson said.


Being recognised by Telstra in the Awards, she said, has been “the icing on the cake,” and “a massive credit to our whole team, across both states”.


FDC Australia CEO Andrew Patterson said the provider should be immensely proud of their achievements over the past 12-months.


“As a First Nations family-owned service, it is wonderful to see them as state finalist, and is a testament to the positive impact they have had on children, families, and their local community,” he said.


State award winners in the Telstra Best in Business Awards will be announced 3 November with the winners gaining eligibility for the National awards.


More information about Foundations FDC is available here. Learn more about the awards here

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