Ever wondered what it’s like to be a 2IC? Kihra Millard from Petit ELJ shares her story
The Sector > Practice > Long Day Care > Ever wondered what it’s like to be a 2IC? Kihra Millard from Petit ELJ shares her story

Ever wondered what it’s like to be a 2IC? Kihra Millard from Petit ELJ shares her story

by Freya Lucas

June 21, 2023

Many in the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector have aspirations of a leadership role one day, and becoming an Assistant Director, or 2IC, is one step along this pathway. 


Petit Early Learning Journey’s Kihra Millard recently shared her experiences, an excerpt of which appears below. 


More than just admin


Many people are surprised to learn that being an assistant director is about much more than supporting with administrative tasks an Assistant Director is a senior leadership position that typically works closely with the centre director.


At times, the assistant director is required to step in and assist the overall service operations in the absence of the centre director. They closely collaborate with the leadership team to provide effective people leadership and educational direction delivering on quality outcomes for education and care.


Ms Millard works at Petit ELJ Caloundra on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, and the assistant director role is one which she first landed when she was a lead educator. 


I became an assistant director about three years ago and started working for Petit ELJ Caloundra 17 months ago,” she said. 


“I wanted to become an assistant director because I had been in the sector for quite some time, and I saw many things my personal philosophy did not agree with. My philosophy is very much all about the children, the families and the educators. Unable to give the support I desired, I wanted to find a role and a company where I could do that.”


A day in the life


Although the days in early childhood education and care (ECEC) are anything but typical, Ms Millard was able to share some of the core aspects of her role on a day-to-day basis. 


“On a typical day in my role, we greet all the families,” she said. “If I am not doing that in the morning, I am on the floor supporting with ratios and engaging in meaningful experiences with the children.”


“Once all the Petit ELJ Caloundra team have arrived, I step into the office with Centre Director Douglas Arnold and complete the day-to-day jobs.” 


Day-to-day jobs include:

  • Registering and inputting enrolments into the customer management system
  • Touching base with families that have just toured
  • Completing tours
  • Supporting the team with professional development
  • Preparing and facilitating different community experiences throughout the year.


The best parts of the role 


Ms Millard was asked about her favourite three aspects of being an Assistant Director. 


Supporting the educators she works with came up as number one, planning and preparing for community events in second place, and working closely with the children, spending time in direct contact with them in third position. 


“I do not have favourites, but it’s no surprise that you will mostly find me in the Baby Boulevard studio supporting the educators and children,” she said. 


Making memorable career moments 


When asked about memorable moments in her ECEC career thus far Ms Millard nominated the recent assessment and rating visit for the service as a highlight. 


“This was one of my many times going through Assessment and Rating, however the first one in this role,” she said. 


“Once the results came through, we were so excited to learn that we had received ‘Meeting NQS’ for the first time across every category! I enjoyed sharing the news with our team. It showed everyone’s hard efforts, knowledge and growth had paid off.”


To learn more about Petit Early Learning Journey, please see here

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