New Care For Kids Educator Appreciation initiative
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In these tough times Care for Kids wants everyone to know how valuable educators are

by Freya Lucas

May 23, 2023

Unprecedented times call for new thinking, stronger efforts, and more to be done to make a difference, and that’s just what Care for Kids are hoping to do with their new educator recognition initiative


Being in the unique position of working with both the parent and sector aspects of early childhood education and care (ECEC) gives the team a front row seat to the challenges educators and leaders are facing in a post pandemic world. 


The Thank You Educators campaign gives families, service owners, service operators and ECEC peers the opportunity to nominate outstanding educators they wish to recognise for their efforts in going above and beyond. 


“In the current challenging operating environment it’s vital that all Australians stop and take a moment to think about the ECEC sector, and just how important it is to ensuring that the rest of Australia operates as it should, and that children receive access to quality education and care in the first five years of life,” Care for Kids CEO Ash Sachdev said. 


As well as saying thank you with a luxury weekend prize for the winners in each state and territory, the Thank You Educators campaign will also shine a spotlight on stories, anecdotes and insights from educators directly, bringing their voice to the attention of the nation. 


“For too long, educators have felt like they aren’t being seen, or heard,” Mr Sachdev continued. “We want to make sure that Australia knows their stories, understands how complex the work they do is, and that our country as a collective has an opportunity to say thank you, loud and clear.”


In the lead up to the campaign Care for Kids has been speaking with ECEC sector representatives, who acknowledge that while times are tough, they still love their jobs, and want the very best for the children and families in their care. 


“Working in ECEC means the world to me,” one educator shared. “Even on the most difficult days, knowing that I am making a difference in the lives of children, and that I’m helping families is what keeps me coming back. I know this is where I am supposed to be.” 


While Care for Kids knows that saying “thank you” won’t solve every challenge facing the sector at the moment, Mr Sachdev hopes the campaign “will go a long way to showing them that we see them, we hear them, and we value each and every one of them.”


To make a nomination, or to learn more, please visit the dedicated campaign website, here

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