Jobs Reconnect program will help more WA residents into jobs through ECEC support

The Western Australian Government is investing $5.5 million into a new program to help more jobseekers get back into the workforce by offering free training, career advice or assistance to find a work placement, and gain the skills and confidence they need to transition back into the workforce.
As part of the wrap-around support, jobseekers can also access $1,500 to help with work-related costs such as licences, specific upskilling requirements, work clothing, transport and childcare (sic).
The initiative aims to ease skill shortages in industries such as construction, hospitality and health.
“Feedback from the Perth and Regional Skills Summits indicated that drawing on untapped segments of the labour force would help ease skills shortages,” said Training Minister Simone McGurk.
“There is a clear link between long-term unemployment and age. Job Reconnect targets workers who may be overlooked by employers, because now more than ever, their transferable life skills, knowledge and experience can be harnessed to fill jobs in demand.”
Eligible jobseeker cohorts currently include mature-age workers aged 45 years and over, and people exiting the justice system who may be experiencing barriers to gaining employment. The new program is informed by research on successful strategies to address barriers experienced by these jobseekers.
Employers are also encouraged to provide these jobseekers with employment opportunities, with a $1,500 incentive payment per placement with 600 places available – something which may be of interest to early childhood education and care (ECEC) providers struggling to staff their services.
A 2021 study by the Council on the Ageing found the most common form of discrimination was age-related, with 26 per cent of Australians aged 50 years and over having experienced age discrimination while seeking employment or in the workplace.
For more information about Western Australia’s Job Reconnect program, call 13 64 64 or visit

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