This is Our Childcare: Advocacy Campaign
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This is Our Childcare campaign launches to build community in regional areas

by Freya Lucas

May 18, 2023

This is Our Childcare is the latest initiative from the recently launched Childcare Leadership Alliance (CLA), one which aims to promote awareness of the pivotal role that childcare (sic.) plays in supporting the functioning and economic prosperity of regional communities.


CLA is an innovative attempt to connect advocates, professional development providers and the public sector to combat the shortage of early childhood education and care (ECEC) options in the Isaac Regional Council area, which is impacting working families, children, local employers, and ECEC operators.


As is the case in many Australian communities, there is a shortfall of places in local ECEC services to meet the needs of the community, and there simply aren’t enough educators and teachers to staff the services which are open. 


This means centres are unable to operate at full capacity, and it’s having a flow-on effect on working families. Without care, parents’ ability to fully participate in the workforce is limited (which predominantly impacts women); and there’s an impact on business productivity for their employers.


The lack of available places also impacts young children, who lose the opportunity to participate fully in quality early learning. The majority of brain development occurs between birth and five years of age, and early childhood experiences set the foundations for a child’s future development and learning outcomes, leaving residents concerned.


“I started a small local business and because of the access I had to childcare I’ve been able to create jobs for 47 women over the last ten years in Moranbah, all of which have been ‘return to the workforce’ mums,” shared CLA Board Chair, Melissa Westcott.


To increase awareness of the essential contribution ECEC makes to the local community, This is Our Childcare encourages locals to display a ‘This is our Childcare’ sticker on their car or in their shop window. By doing so, they can help increase visibility and elevate the profile of ECEC services within the community. Participants are also encouraged to share images of their sticker via social media using the hashtag #ThisisOurChildcare.

In addition to increasing awareness, This is Our Childcare will establish a local rewards program to link early learning educators and teachers to local businesses to access offers and assist with the cost of everyday expenses. By creating these connections, This is Our Childcare aims to strengthen the bond between educators, businesses, and the community.


CLA Project Manager Melissa Comerford hopes the initiative will get the community involved, and open up conversations. 


“What we need you to do is if you can take a sticker, put it in your shop window, put it on your car, put it up you’ll see them at the childcare centers and the kindergartens around town,” she said. 


“We would also invite any business owners, if you could, to be able to support them with our campaign, which is a little bit like a discount for our childcare workers. So that our educators feel as though they can start a conversation with you, and know that this is a place where they feel valued, that they know they’re going to get the recognition and the respect that they so dearly deserve.”


For more information, please see here or follow the hashtag #thisisourchildcare on Facebook and Instagram.

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