ECEC sector feedback needed to support Northern Territory Preschool Review
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ECEC sector feedback needed to support Northern Territory Preschool Review

by Freya Lucas

May 15, 2023

Input is needed from the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector to help shape the Northern Territory Preschool Review


For the purposes of the review, preschool is taken to mean an early childhood program delivered by a qualified teacher at a school, long day care centre or early learning centre for children in the year or two before formal schooling. 


In the NT, all children can attend preschool from four years of age, and children in very remote areas can attend from three years of age.


The Department of Education is partnering with Nous Group and Victoria University in the review, which seeks to understand how preschool can better support the NT Government vision of every child in the Territory having the best start in life and of gaining a bright future through early learning. 


The Preschool Review Discussion paper has been developed, outlining all the information gathered thus far, following discussions with schools, teachers and parents in all regions of the NT. 


Further feedback is sought on the following topics:


  • How preschool can be improved 
  • Respondents’ experience with preschool and other early childhood education and care services
  • Respondents’ thoughts on the current strengths and opportunities to improve preschool.


To participate, first read the Preschool Review Discussion paper, then share a response by either responding directly to the questions in the discussion paper through a submission, or taking a short 10 minute survey.


The survey will close on Monday 29 May. Image shows children and an educator from Bradshaw Primary School’s preschool engaged in Bush Preschool. 

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