Mega early learning facility to be built at Brabham Primary School
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Mega early learning facility to be built at Brabham Primary School

by Freya Lucas

April 11, 2023

A 350 place early learning facility will be built to support families of young children at the growing Brabham Primary School in Western Australia thanks to an additional $11.6 million investment by the state’s Government. 


Built to accommodate students in kindergarten and pre-primary, the service will be built offsite from the primary school, and will include classrooms, a kitchen and storage facilities, cleaner’s room, external storerooms, and a new undercover sandpit.


The facility will hopefully alleviate accommodation pressures at Brabham Primary School, which continues to experience increased enrolments, which opened in 2022 and currently has more than 1,000 students.


A new primary school, provisionally known as Brabham East Primary School will open in 2025 to further relieve enrolment pressures.


“I know there is significant pressure on our schools, which is why this investment is so important,” West Swan MLA Rita Saffioti said. 


“Our community is growing rapidly, and I will continue to advocate strongly on behalf of my constituents, to ensure we have facilities in place that can support young families.”


The first stage of construction of the offsite early learning facility is expected to be completed for the start of the 2024 school year with the second stage of construction expected to be completed for the 2025 school year.


Stage 1 will accommodate up to 160 kindergarten students in 2024 and Stage 2 will accommodate a further 190 pre-primary students from 2025.

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