School based traineeships a good pathway for the ECEC sector
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For Emma, starting her ECEC career in high school has set her on the right path

by Freya Lucas

March 20, 2023

When Emma Losurdo was in high school, one of her high priorities was to move into a profession in high demand, where employment right out of school was a high probability. This made early childhood education and care (ECEC) the perfect career fit. 


According to a recent report by the Department of Education, there is a shortage of nearly 4,000 early childhood educators in New South Wales. A lack of qualified professionals entering the field has resulted in increased pressure on existing staff, with many early childhood services reporting high levels of burnout and turnover.


The vocational education and training (VET) sector is working to relieve some of the pressure, and supply the sector with qualified educators who are ready to support. Some agencies, such as St Nicholas Pathways are taking significant steps to address the growing skills shortage in their region.


Pathways’ programs aim to improve the quality of care for young children by supporting the training and development of educators, who are then employed by St Nicholas across their early education and outside school hours care (OSHC) services.


One program in particular has seen incredible success – St Nicholas Pathways’ School-Based Traineeship (SBAT) program sees year 11 and 12 students undertake a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care through Pathways’ Registered Training Organisation partner, Macquarie Community College (RTO IC 90033).


St Nicholas Pathways formally launched the program in 2019 with 12 participating students. By 2023, the program’s intake had increased four-fold, with 46 students beginning their SBAT journey with St Nicholas this year.


Pathways Business Manager Erica Wilkinson acknowledges that St Nicholas Pathways’ programs provide a talent pipeline for St Nicholas, and said the success of the program was due to several factors including the on the job training provided, and the support it gives learners in terms of offering access to advanced entry into the diploma or bachelor degree qualifications.


But more important than the career prospects, Ms Wilkinson says, are the ways the program supports students on a personal level.


“We see such growth in the SBATs who come through our program. Their confidence and skills grow so rapidly and they develop beautiful relationships with their fellow educators, the children and the families who attend.”


Miss Losurdo, a recent graduate of Pathways’ SBAT program, gained immediate full-time employment at the St Nicholas Early Education centre in Maitland upon receiving her qualification.


“It made me feel so confident knowing that all my hard work and dedication had paid off,” Miss Losurdo said. She credits her success during and following the program to the high level of support she received from those around her.


“My incredibly caring mentors, trainers, leaders and fellow educators assisted and enabled me to make it to where I am today.”


Learn more about St Nicholas Pathways here

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