ECEC Provider in Focus: Lilian Cannam Kindergarten
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ECEC Provider in Focus: Lilian Cannam Kindergarten

by Freya Lucas

January 27, 2023

Lilian Cannam Kindergarten (LCK) is an historic, not for profit community run kindergarten located in South Melbourne catering to children aged three to five years. 


The kindergarten is an Incorporated Association managed by a voluntary Committee of Management elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. All parents are eligible to vote and stand for election.


The committee is responsible for the management of the kindergarten and undertakes this in close consultation with the Director. Specific responsibilities include managing the finances, policy development, staff employment, liaison with government departments and the Port Phillip City Council, and ensuring the kindergarten operates in accordance with government legislation, policy and best practice.


The history of LCK


LCK has been operating in the South Melbourne area since 1922.  The kindergarten is named after its founder and first President, Lilian Cannam.


The kindergarten has a long relationship with the City of Port Phillip.  In 1927 the Council purchased the present site of the kindergarten and has since played a major role in the development and maintenance of its buildings and facilities and in LCK’s programs.


LCK programs have evolved in line with the needs of its community over the years, and has long been known for providing “a large, outdoor sanctuary for inner city children.”

What is the LCK vision and approach to learning? 


LCK employs highly qualified early childhood teachers who undertake the design, implementation and evaluation of the kindergarten program. The teaching teams work closely with specialist teachers in visual arts, music and French, to provide high quality teaching and learning programs.


The team believes that “childhood is about discoveries of life, and the wonders of the natural world.” Using a Reggio Emilia approach, the service uses the environment as the third teacher. Children are considered central to their own learning, and are encouraged to develop their independence through encounters with others in respectful, supportive, and co-constructive learning environments.


Learning at LCK is holistic and integrated, it takes place when ideas, concepts and theories are shared, and is grounded in the following values: 


  • Connections
  • Exploration
  • Authenticity
  • Responsiveness
  • Diversity
  • Environment


Are there any unique aspects to the LCK offer? 


LCK is a sessional service, and offers early learning experiences during school terms. 


Divided into four groups, to cater for children three and four years of age on enrolment, sessions are offered in either morning or afternoon groupings, with an extended hours option which operates from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. 


LCK participates in the Victorian Government free kindergarten initiative for its three-year-old and four-year-old program which entitles families up to 15 hours of free kindergarten per week. 


What is the LCK approach to professional development?


Throughout the year the kindergarten has curriculum days/child-free days for professional development, school planning and administration, curriculum development, and child assessment and reporting purposes. 


To learn more about Lilian Cannam Kindergarten visit the website

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