Anne Irving retires after 43 years of service with SDN Children’s Services

Veteran Educator Anne Irving retired last year after 43 years of service at SDN Children’s Services, with “a full heart, countless memories and meaningful relationships”.
She began her career in early childhood in 1977 after completing her training as a Mothercraft Nurse having worked across a few SDN centres casually before permanently starting at SDN North Sydney, where she was a teacher for over 40 years.
Ms Irving has always felt a strong connection with children, and knew she wanted to work with them.
“Watching them develop into their own personality and being a part of their journey is my biggest achievement.” she said. “Children are so smart! They don’t forget anything.”
Children’s innocence, honesty and their enthusiasm to learn, are qualities that she connects to.
“When the children noticed that I couldn’t sit on the floor, they began pulling up a chair for me every time I entered the room, along with setting up a chair for themselves!”
Looking back over her years at SDN, Ms Irving said she is thankful for the opportunities, support, training and mentorship she has received throughout her career. “I’m still in touch with so many staff I have worked with over the years.”
When asked about what she admires in terms of SDN as a provider, she said the fact that SDN still has a strong focus on natural play, books and giving children opportunities to learn from messy play. She has enjoyed bringing aspects of how she grew up on the farm in Dubbo to her everyday connection with children in the heart of Sydney.
“This career has brought deep meaning into my personal life. I move forward with empathy and all the beautiful relationships I can take with me,” she said in closing.
The team at The Sector would like to wish Ms Irving a peaceful and happy retirement.

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