WA Government delivers position statement on improving development of ECEC centres
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WA Government delivers position statement on improving development of ECEC centres

by Freya Lucas

November 15, 2022

The Western Australian Government has delivered its draft position statement to deliver better planning outcomes for early childhood education and care (ECEC) premises, giving location and design guidance to decision-makers, proponents, and the community.


Now open for public comment, the position statement has been released in response to the rising demand for ECEC services in both metropolitan and regional areas.


“Western Australia is a rapidly evolving State, and it’s absolutely essential our planning policies and guidelines keep pace with the expectations of the community,” Planning Minister Rita Saffioti said.


Feedback will be used to revise the existing Planning Bulletin 72 (2009) and will provide guidance to key planning decision makers – including local governments and joint development assessment panels – when preparing local scheme provisions and planning policies for ECEC centres.


The draft addresses a number of important planning considerations, including:


  • location
  • site characteristics
  • environmental suitability
  • design
  • traffic and vehicle access
  • noise emissions
  • amenity
  • health and safety impacts.


It also supports delivery of the State Government’s Educare election commitment, by encouraging the co-location of ECEC services with schools. This allows for the development of ECEC premises to be considered when planning new public primary schools, providing communities with certainty about the future of childcare services in their area.


The draft also proposes that ECEC premises could also be co-located on government reserves – such as hospitals – as well as within mixed commercial zones – such as shopping centres – or on office or commercial-zoned land. This would allow for flexible hours of operation, catering to the increasing number of families who have irregular or out-of-ordinary work hours.


Consultation closes at 5pm on Friday, 10 February 2023. 

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