New Educational Leader allowance now in play – Have you received yours yet?

In August 2022 the Fair Work Commission (FWC) determined that an Educational Leaders allowance amounting to $4,022.05 per annum would be paid to any employee who carries out responsibilities consistent with the title of Educational Leader regardless of whether they are employed under the Teachers Award or the Children’s Services Award.
This decision was an important one because it broadened the educational leader allowance that was already in place for early childhood teachers (ECTs) employed under the Teacher’s Award to include qualified educators employed under the Children’s Services Award too.
Educational leaders are integral parts of all ECEC services, playing a key role in supporting the practice and pedagogy of educators by providing curriculum direction and guidance and through helping them to implement the cycle of planning to enhance programs and practices while also ensuring that all children’s learning and development is anchored in, and guided by, approved learning frameworks.
The new allowance was available from the first pay period starting on or after 1 November 2022 and is now just two weeks old.
The key attributes of the new allowance are as follows:
- The allowance of $4,022.05 per annum will be paid to an educator who carries out responsibilities consistent with the title of educational leader.
- As of 1 November 2022, the educational leader allowance will now be incorporated into the Children’s Services Award 2010.
- Employees who are educational leaders and who are employed under the Children’s Services Award must be paid the annual allowance.
- Early childhood teachers who are employed under the Educational Services (Teachers) Award (Teachers Award), will continue to receive the allowance under their award.
- The allowance can be prorated if an educator conducts educational leader responsibilities for less than five days per week
The Fair Work Ombudsman has created a useful calculator that has now been updated to reflect the new allowance which can be accessed here.