CISS an important part of Victorian educators keeping children safe

The Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) is an important way that early childhood education and care (ECEC) educators and other professionals can help to improve the wellbeing and safety outcomes for children in their care.
ECEC educators work alongside Child Protection, Youth Justice, Maternal and Child Health and Victoria Police through participating in the scheme and feeding in information which helps to build a complete view of at-risk children.
Through accessing CISS resources and training, ECEC professionals become more aware of the types of information that supports the needs of at-risk children. They are then able to share that information with other approved agencies, making it easier to identify children’s needs earlier and prevent escalation.
The CISS scheme, Community Child Care Association (CCC) Executive Director Julie Price,said, has been designed to help educators engage with children and their families’ unique ecosystems to build a holistic view of individual needs and circumstances.
“Through proactive sharing between approved agencies, services that care for children are enabled to build profiles and coordinate strategies that will ensure better results for children’s wellbeing and safety,” she said.
To help education and care services better understand their obligations and the ways they can implement CISS, a suite of resources has been developed as simple, practical tools including guides, videos, information, e-learning and accredited training.
All have been designed to support educators so that they can respond to and make information sharing requests appropriately and effectively.
Online training is free and provides a certificate of completion to all participants. Backfill remuneration is available for education services for staff to take leave to complete the training.
Education and care employees are required to respond to requests for information under CISS and the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS), in accordance with current legislation.
“The CISS is a vital tool in supporting child wellbeing and safety,” Ms Price added. “We urge all Victorian educators to investigate the resources and complete the training so proactive supports can be put in place, all children can enjoy supported participation and approved agencies can work in the true spirit of collaboration with children’s wellbeing and safety as a clear, important joint focus.”
To access the training, download resources or for more information please see here.

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