Julia Creek struggles to attract Director despite $10,000 cash incentive

Founded in 1890, Julia Creek in north-west Queensland is one of the oldest towns in the state, and has a population of just over 450 people. Within that 450 are 11 families who will struggle to continue working unless a Director is found for council-run Julia Creek Early Learning Centre.
The service has been advertising for a Director since January this year, offering a $10,000 cash incentive, a heavily subsidised house on offer, a two-minute commute to work, and a safe, friendly community with great facilities along with five weeks of annual leave and relocation assistance funding.
McKinlay Shire Chief Executive Trevor Williams described the situation as troubling, sharing that the Council has engaged a number of recruiting agencies, including specialist childcare providers, all without success.
If a Director is not found within the next 12 months the service will lose its funding and be forced to close. The service supports not only working parents in Julia Creek, but also the surrounding region with children from cattle stations traveling into town for a day or two each week.
Once newcomers to Julia Creek arrive in the town, getting them to stay is not an issue, Mr Williams said.
“What we find is that it’s very difficult convincing workers to come out here, but once we get them here, they stay,” he told the ABC.
“Communities like Julia Creek, a lot of people find it really easy to fit into life out here.”
To read the original coverage of this story please see here. More information about the role is available here.

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