Cloverdale could soon welcome $2.05m ECEC service to meet growing demand
A $2.05 million 104-place early childhood education and care (ECEC) facility has been proposed for the site of 277 to 2383 Hardey Road Cloverdale in a bid to meet demand for care in the region.
According to the City of Belmont’s Design Review Panel report, the development will produce a community benefit by “helping to meet a demand that is going to increase into the future”.
There are currently eight ECEC premises in the City, which operate at a ratio of 5.12 children per childcare place, well outside of the State’s average of 3.7 children per place, indicating the need for more spaces to cater to demand.
Metro Inner South Joint Development Assessment Panel members recently agreed at a meeting to approve the plans put forth by landowner Kathleen Tin Tin Whisson to construct the service, which would employ 17 staff.
Nik Hidding spoke to the panel on behalf of the landowner, outlining that the development would open at 06:30 and keep children inside until 07:00. Despite this restriction, the City’s report described a 06:30 opening time as ”unacceptable”, as noise associated with patrons and vehicles of the centre was expected to occur before 7am.
JDAP panel members agreed for the centre to open Monday to Friday at 7am to 7pm but expanded the development’s Car Parking Management Strategy to include an Operational Plan to help the centre manage its opening hours, including the times when children are allowed to be dropped off.
To read local coverage of this story please see here.
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