NAIDOC Week Grants now available to support communities and organisations
The Federal Government has announced more than $1 million in grants to support communities and organisations to celebrate NAIDOC Week in 2022, celebrating the theme Get Up, Stand Up, Show Up.
NAIDOC Week is an annual event which showcases the achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures and histories.
“Every year, we celebrate and honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ excellence and their contribution to our country that dates back tens of thousands of years,” Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon Ken Wyatt said.
“It’s a chance to share in our rich history and hold up the many heroes of our past and elevate those Indigenous Australians who are currently making our nation a better place for all.”
The 2022 theme draws attention to the momentum for change which is taking place in Australia on a number of fronts.
“More than ever before, governments are working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and we are laying the groundwork for strong local and regional voices to inform future policies, programs and service delivery,” the Minister said.
“The conversations we have so longed for are happening, more people are getting involved in a wide range of processes to improve justice and representation, and there is a collective will to walk our reconciliation journey together.”
Minister Wyatt invited all Australians to join in the NAIDOC celebrations, and apply for a grant to host a local activity in support. For eligibility criteria or further information, please see here.
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