Tas undertakes recruitment drive to boost support staff in Child and Family Learning Centres
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Tas undertakes recruitment drive to boost support staff in Child and Family Learning Centres

by Freya Lucas

July 20, 2021

The Tasmanian Government has commenced a recruitment drive to boost the number of psychologists, social workers and speech and language pathologists available to support the work of the state’s Child and Family Learning Centres as part of the Tasmanian Liberal Government’s $3.82 million First 100 Day election commitment.


Child and Family Learning Centres are places where families with children aged from birth to five years can go to access a range of services, and are co-located with a number of Tasmanian schools. 


The new staff will support Tasmanian families and students at every stage of their development and learning, and are designed to replicate the Support and Wellbeing team model currently in government schools.


Expanding the support in Child and Family Learning Centres will build on the variety of critical services already delivered to families and young children experiencing vulnerability and disadvantage, a Department spokesperson said.


The Tasmanian Government hopes the successful recruitment program will result in a record number of professional support staff and will in turn assist students to participate in, and engage with, early learning wellbeing, literacy, and numeracy.


“Professional Support Staff, including psychologists, speech and language pathologists and social workers, are key in providing critical evidence-based services to optimise learning, wellbeing and engagement,” the states Minister for Education, Sarah Courtney said.


“Education is the single most powerful driver for improving economic and social outcomes in Tasmania including health, life expectancy, happiness and productivity,” she added.


Further information about the current employment opportunities available in association with the recruitment drive is available here

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