Fair Work reminds educators that minimum wage increase applies to this pay period
The national minimum wage increased from $19.84 to $20.33 on the first of July, the Fair Work Ombudsman said, reminding employers and employees alike to ensure that pay packets reflect the changes, which were announced 16 June 2021, following the Fair Work Commission’s annual wage review.
This increase applies from the first full pay period starting on or after 1 July. Employees covered by awards will also have base rates increased by 2.5 per cent, however, these increases to award wages begin on different dates for different groups of awards.
Details of how the award wage changes affect those working in early childhood may be found here.
Casual employees that the national minimum wage applies to must receive a minimum $25.41 per hour including their 25 per cent casual loading.
Employees covered by awards will have their base rate increase from the first full pay period starting on or after the relevant date.
Fair Work Ombudsman Sandra Parker said workplaces are expected to ensure all their employees are paid at least the relevant minimum wage, in line with the Fair Work Commission’s decision.
“The Fair Work Ombudsman has free online tools available to help employers comply with their workplace obligations, which have been updated to reflect the new pay rates.”
She urged all businesses to use the Pay and Conditions Tool to check the lawful minimum rates they need to pay their staff, or to contact the Ombudsman directly for free assistance.
“We encourage workers to use the Pay and Conditions Tool to check their rates of pay. If workers are unsure which award applies to them, they can use our Find my award tool.”
Employers and employees with any queries or concerns about pay rates can contact the Fair Work Ombudsman for free advice and assistance, Ms Parker added.
Employers and employees can visit www.fairwork.gov.au or call the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94 for free advice and assistance. A free interpreter service is available on 13 14 50.
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