Aye aye ECEC, it’s time to talk like a pirate again, and help children with cancer

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) services around Australia are being invited to dig in the dress up box and put on their best pirate gear this week ahead of the official Talk Like A Pirate Day, on 19 September.
Talk Like A Pirate Day is the official fundraising and awareness day, and signature event, of Childhood Cancer Support, offering ECEC services and others in the community a chance to dress up, hunt for treasure and talk like a pirate, all for a great cause.
Childhood Cancer Support is Australia’s oldest children’s cancer charity, and provides accommodation, transport and support services to regional families whose children are diagnosed with cancer.
While the work done by the Childhood Cancer Support is always challenging, the impact of COVID-19 has made an already tough journey “incredibly difficult” for families navigating a childhood cancer diagnosis, General Manager Helen Crew said.
“Our families, and the charity, are all doing it tough. There is so much uncertainty, but the one thing we know is that despite the pandemic, children continue to be diagnosed with cancer. We are happy that we can continue to offer our light-hearted way to get the community involved in the fight against childhood cancer with our Talk Like A Pirate Day event,” she added.
More than 600 children a year are diagnosed with cancer, and already in 2020, over 800 businesses, schools and childcare services have pledged to don their pirate gear and support the Talk Like A Pirate cause to raise funds and awareness for Childhood Cancer Support.
For more information about how to join in the fun and support the cause, please visit the campaign website, here.