Early Childhood Educators Day is next week – how will you give a heartfelt thanks?

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) services are gearing up to join with families next Wednesday, 2 September, to acknowledge the amazing efforts made by educators and leaders in one of the most tumultuous times in our sector.
Across Australia initiatives are being planned to give a “heart-felt thank you” on Early Childhood Educators’ Day, held annually to celebrate the important contribution of Australia’s early childhood educators in the lives of young children
Strongly supported by families who attend preschool/kindergarten programs as well as child care, this year’s event “promises to be particularly meaningful, framed by the ever-changing COVID-19 climate,” Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) President Paul Mondo said.
“As a community, we want to pay tribute to the wonderful efforts of our early childhood educators during the 2020 pandemic. They have done a tremendous job of keeping families informed, making sure the children feel safe and happy, maintaining the latest health and safety requirements, being adaptable as circumstances change and maintaining a resilient, positive outlook.”
ECEC service providers and their families are encouraged to say thank you to their early childhood educators on or during the week of Early Childhood Educators’ Day, whether through a formally organised celebration or through the simple gesture of giving a card or small hand-made gift.
Those families in Melbourne and Victoria who cannot attend their early learning service due to Stage 4 and 3 Restrictions may wish to create a short “thank you” video and email it to their service, as an inclusive gesture during this challenging year.
“We really enjoy seeing service providers and their families post photos of their celebrations on social media,” Mr Mondo said. “It’s really heartwarming to see the efforts that service providers go to.”
Previous celebrations have included various themes, such as a superhero theme with all educators and children dressing up, or a magical theme with fairies and wizards, or even an Oscars night theme, with a red carpet and every educator being presented with a special award.
“It’s absolutely wonderful to see early learning service providers and their families creating their own special celebrations, in their own special way,” Mr Mondo said. “The spirit of Early Childhood Educators’ Day has always been the simple gesture of saying ‘thank you’, and that’s what makes it such a special day.”
With more than 200,000 early childhood educators working across Australia, Early Childhood Educators’ Day is the perfect opportunity to acknowledge their efforts in continuing to make a real difference in the lives of over 870,000 children and their families across the country.
For more information about Early Childhood Educators Day, please see here.

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