Children gifted 57 model tractors by Agricultural Equipment Holdings (AEH) group
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Children gifted 57 model tractors by Agricultural Equipment Holdings (AEH) group

by Freya Lucas

July 23, 2020

Children attending 19 early childhood education and care (ECEC) services in the Central West of New South Wales have been gifted 57 New Holland model tractors donated by the Agricultural Equipment Holdings (AEH) group in a bid to acknowledge the rich relationships between families in the local areas and AEH, and to thank them for their support of AEH during challenging times for farming communities.


Branch managers at Cowra Machinery Centre, McPhersons Parts and Services Parkes, Forbes Machinery Centre, South West Tractors, Temora Truck and Tractor,and West Wyalong Machinery Centre, presented one New Holland pedal tractor with trailer and two New Holland push along tractors to the childcare centres in their local areas, news source The Grenfell Record reported.


The tractors are just one of the many ways in which AEH connects with local communities, reporter Andrew Fisher wrote, highlighting the work of the group, which also sponsors local sporting teams and groups, donates products and toys, provides promotional gear to schools and community fundraising groups and sponsors major events within the community including the local show.


As many communities battle the new challenges posed to the community by the uncertain times arising from COVID-19, the branch managers noted the confusion and frustration children must be feeling, and as such, “wanted to bring some fun times their way”.


“Not only will these tractors offer endless hours of fun, build on their fine motor skills, but also get them excited about all the wonderful things about farming,” a spokesperson added.


AEH Central NSW dealer principal, David Thompson, said he hoped the tractors would bring joy to the children and staff at each centre. 


“It’s been an unpredictable year so it’s important to continue to support the local communities despite the setbacks of COVID-19. The local shows and major events in our towns getting cancelled prompt us to think outside the square and that is where donating toy tractors to our childcare centre’s idea came to life,” Mr Thompson told The Grenfell Record.


As well as the 19 ECEC services located within the AEH Central NSW group several have been given to mobile children services units, Mr Thompson explained.


Services who benefited from the gift included Nurture One, Parkes, Parkes Early Childhood, Milestones, Young, Goodstart Cowra and Forbes, A Dragon’s Tale, Temora, Gumnut Grove Young and Annette’s Place Young.


To read the original coverage of this story, please see here

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