QLD launches campaign connecting families with support during COVID-19 recovery
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QLD launches campaign connecting families with support during COVID-19 recovery

by Freya Lucas

July 15, 2020

For many families, isolation, financial stress and other life stressors arising as a result of COVID-19 have meant that struggles with addiction, family violence and housing stress have been heightened


As a means of assisting families, and those who are a part of their broader support system, such as early childhood education and care (ECEC) professionals, to access support, the Queensland Government have launched a new social media campaign designed to connect families to the right services to unite and recover from COVID-19. 


Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women Di Farmer said the digital campaign would run until the end of September to promote the Family and Child Connect (FaCC) 13-FAMILY (13-32-64) hotline number.


“Family and Child Connect is an outstanding service that specialises in confidential and free referrals,” Ms Farmer said.


Whether it’s finances, drugs and alcohol or domestic and family violence, Family and Child Connect is a good first point of contact, to help families and to stop “little things from turning into big things,” she added.


The Federal Government has provided an extra $820,000 to boost capacity and enhance Family and Child Connect services on top of the Queensland Government’s $19 million in annual funding.


“We know there are families who have never before asked for help before but are facing very real challenges because of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Ms Farmer said.


“I want families to know help is available, there is somewhere to go with assistance to unite and recover from COVID-19.”  


Family and Child Connect link families to local services that can help with:

  • managing children’s behaviour;
  • building stronger family relationships;
  • stopping any violence at home;
  • budgeting and managing money;
  • alcohol, drug or gambling problems; and,
  • housing, health care or other community or government services.


The Queensland Government also provides funding to give families free access to the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program.


FaCC can be contacted by phoning 13FAMILY (13-32-64) 

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