Devonport City Council halts ECEC rents for first six months
A Tasmanian council, Devonport City, will not charge a range of community and sporting groups – including early childhood education and care (ECEC) centres – rent for the first six month of the 2020-2021 financial year in response to the unprecedented economic conditions created by COVID 19.
During a meeting held earlier this week, the Council’s COVID-19 Response Committee determined that rent would not be payable until 1 January 2021 for groups which fall under Council’s current Lease Policy.
Committee Chair, Counsellor Leon Perry, said the measure would provide further support to childcare operators currently leasing Council properties because “they also have been hit hard lately”.
Devonport City Mayor, Annette Rockliff, said Council was mindful of the financial strain placed on sporting and community groups by COVID-19, and that the decision to not charge rents was one made in recognition of the essential support the organisations included provide to many within the community.
More information about the work of the Council can be found on their website, here.
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