JobKeeper enrolment opened 20 April – Are you ready to apply?
With the rules and regulations around the JobKeeper support package now confirmed and early childhood education and care (ECEC) services taking steps to understand whether they and their teams are eligible for the $1,500 per employee per fortnight payment, the next stage in the process will be the actual application for the JobKeeper payments, which will require swift action to ensure payment in early May is received.
For services that are not yet across the rules of the package The Sector has produced a detailed review and summary to support leaders to determine eligibility and also other aspects around reporting, applications and timing.
For those who are across the rules and eligibility requirements, enrolment in the JobKeeper program becomes the next priority. Action needs to be taken now to ensure you receive the first round of JobKeeper payments which will be paid from the first week of May 2020.
In order to be ready to apply the service should have completed the following key tasks:
- Conducted a ‘decline in turnover” test and confirmed revenue falls meet the 30 per cent rule for for profits and 15 per cent rule for not for profits.
- Identified all eligible employees, including those that had been stood down or terminated, notified them that they will be participating in the JobKeepers program.
- Requested all eligible employees to complete the employees nominations notice and return it by the end of April.
- Ensured that all eligible employees have been paid at least $1,500 per fortnight in April 2020 including those that have been reinstated.
Once the four items above are complete, the next step is to begin the enrolment process for the JobKeeper payment program by going to the ATO Business Portal and logging in.
The JobKeeper enrolment form will be found in the “Manage employees” section of the Portal from 20 April 2020.
The following information is needed to complete the form:
- What type of applicant you are ie: a business or sole trader
- Whether you are a registered charity or not
- What month is your reference month for the ‘decline in turnover” test and whether you meet the 30 per cent threshold
- The estimated number of employees who will be eligible for the 1st JobKeeper fortnight – 30 March to 12 April
- The estimated number of employees who will be eligible for the 2nd JobKeeper fortnight – 13 April to 26 April
- The bank account details for the account into which JobKeeper will be paid
Completing the steps above correctly will ensure that your service will receive the first round of JobKeeper payments (if you are eligible), in the first week of May.
A second round of processes will be required to confirm eligible employees to the ATO, however, this exercise will not begin until 4 May.
To review The Sector’s JobKeeper rules review please click here.
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