Release your inner flair and raise funds for The Shepherd Centre

The Shepherd Centre, a non-profit charitable organisation, has provided early intervention programs and services for children living with deafness or hearing impairment. It is seeking the support of workplaces across the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector to raise money to support children at The Shepherd Centre, as well as spread awareness of hearing loss in the wider community on Loud Shirt Day (18 October).
The Shepherd Centre was founded in 1970 by Dr Bruce Shepherd AM and his late wife Annette after the couple could not find a suitable program in Australia to teach their hearing impaired children how to listen and speak. The Shepherds believed that, given the opportunity and with training, children born deaf or hearing impaired should be able to fully integrate with the community and reach their full potential.
Starting with just five families, today The Shepherd Centre helps over 500 children and families each year through five centres in NSW and ACT, as well as families in Tasmania, rural and remote areas of Australia and overseas via residential workshops and tele-intervention (assistance via videoconferencing).
Recent outcomes from The Shepherd Centre show that the vast majority of graduates from The Shepherd Centre go on to mainstream school majority with speech and language skills on par with their typically hearing classmates.
On Loud Shirt Day, participants are encouraged to wear a ‘loud’ vibrant party shirt to their workplace or education setting, and collect fundraising money. Workplaces may also choose to host a Loud Shirt Day morning tea with rainbow coloured cupcakes, sweet treats and tropical flavoured teas.
A 70s tie dye cocktail party could be a fun fundraiser after hours, or a Loud Shirt Day BBQ and picnic event for families.
Those choosing to participate are asked to register at Host a Loud Shirt Day. A host pack will then be sent with a range of resources to promote the event. A Pinterest page has been prepared to showcase a range of fun event ideas.
For more information please contact Individual Giving Officer Elly on 02 9370 4456 or via email at [email protected].

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