Early Learning Matters week moves, allowing greater advocacy opportunities

Early Learning Matters Week is an initiative of the Early Learning – Everyone Benefits campaign, which aims to increase public awareness and understanding of the benefits of investing in early learning (learning for children aged birth to five years of age) for Australia’s future prosperity, and to increase access to quality programs that amplify children’s development by securing political commitment to increasing early learning.
In 2019, Early Learning Matters week has been moved, and will be celebrated from 1-6 September, encompassing National Early Childhood Educators Day on Wednesday 4 September.
The move has been made to support one of the core goals of the Early Learning – Everyone Benefits campaign, which is to increase awareness of the importance of early learning among Federal MPs and senators. By moving the Early Learning Matters week later in the year, the campaign takes advantage of the 2019 Australian Parliament’s winter recess, meaning a greater likelihood of politicians being available to attend services.
The move also means Early Learning Matters Week will now align with Child Protection Week, allowing early childhood education and care (ECEC) services to promote a holistic suite of advocacy for young children.
In sharing news about the change in timing, Community Early Learning Australia (CELA) said those in the sector would “be pleased to know that the Week’s organisers have set up a system to connect with the relevant politician as efficiently as possible”.
“Organisers have sent a Save the Date invitation to every Federal politician, asking them to mark the dates 1-6 September and encouraging them to accept an invitation to visit a local early childhood service.
Last year a similar exercise brought 68 politicians to 69 services (some visited two and some doubled up). The goal this year is to increase that number, with your help!” a statement from CELA read.
To share the importance of early learning more broadly, a hashtag (#Earlylearningmatters) has been established, allowing educators and others to share the “magic moments” of ECEC, and to remind decision makers, on behalf of children, that “We Matter”.

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