Queensland ECEC funding and delivery arrangements under review: consultation open
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Queensland ECEC funding and delivery arrangements under review: consultation open

by Freya Lucas

July 23, 2019

An independent review of the current funding and delivery arrangements for kindergartens and early childhood education providers in Queensland is currently underway, with an independent review by Deloitte Access Economics being conducted on behalf of the Queensland Department of Education. 


The bulk of current funding and delivery arrangements were last reviewed nearly ten years ago, prompting Dr Anthony Lynham, State Member for Stafford, to say “it’s time to check back in and see what can be improved”. 


Praising the 2019-20 Budget for its $293 million investment in early childhood education, Dr Lynham said the review will be used “to advance Queensland’s world class early childhood education system and ensure all children have a great start, no matter where they live in Queensland”.


Dr Lynham said one of the priorities of the review would be to investigate options for improving access to kindergarten in rural and remote areas.


“I encourage families, teachers and educators to have their say by taking part in Deloitte’s online survey, open until 9 August,” he said in closing. 

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